God Be and Heal

My sister Linda is a big believer in healing. She wrote the lyric and I wrote the music.


God be and heal my eyes that I may see your love in all I do
God be and grace my arms that I may comfort those in need
God be in my ears that I may hear
God be in my heart that I show love

God be and heal my mouth that I encourage faith in all I do
God be and fill my lungs with breath that shares your hope to those in need
God be in my soul that I may give
God be in my spirit that I forgive

Heal my spirit
Heal my soul
Heal my body
Heal my heart

God be and heal my legs that I may bear your will in all I do
God be and bless my back that I may share your grace with those in need
God be in my heart that I may serve
God be in my will to spread your word